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Friday, July 13, 2012


 Hello people! As you all know we are in the middle of our summer time and I wish you are all using the benefits of summer. Except the people who are living on the Southern Hemisphere :) You should enjoy the benefits of winter, I should say! Well, you are lucky. My favourite season is winter! Anyways, I really miss writing on my blog and now, as you see, I am here. My freshman year is over and I will be completing the rest of my high school education in the USA and I will keep writing on my blog over there.
 Last night, I watched a movie and as an effect of that movie, I am announcing today's topic...(Actually I have already announced it with writing the title.) Today's topic is "SCHIZOPHRENIA"  For too many people, it can be hard to pronounce it...Okay, it is time to learn about schizophrenia:


 Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, mental illness which may cause various bad effects on teenagers, young adults and adults. According to the statistics it is stated that, this mental illness affects men about one and a half times more than women. 


Because of it is a mental illness, schizoprenia is not directly passed from one generation to another genetically. But if someone has the illness in his or her genes, it doubles the risk of having the illness. It is mostly the environment which triggers the illness. The causes of schizophrenia are commonly the psychological damages and bad, unforgettable events. Difficult life circumstances during childhood, like the early loss of a parent, parental poverty, bullying, witnessing parental violence etc. are some of the examples  of those bad events. Repressing the feelings, it always damages the brain and it causes illusions and two seperate, imaginary lives in brain.


A person diagnosed with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations, (like hearing voices and seeing things) and he or she will have some disorganized thoughts and speech. Someone who has the illness schizophrenia will have two seperate realities in life. One of it, is the real life going on. And the other is the patients' life in their brains. The patients cannot seperate those two lives and those two lives are both real for them.


  If you know someone who has the symptoms of the mental illness schizophrenia, you should immediately get help from the doctors as soon as possible. It is NOT a kind of an illness which heals itself as the time passes.  Just the opposite. Unfortunately, it might end up with a suicide or a murder. Also people who are near to the patient should support him or her because it is a very hard time for the family of the patient as well as the patient himself.

 ***Here is a video below which is told by a women who had the mental illness schizophrenia.


                                      STAY HEALTHY AND HAPPY EVERYONE!!!
                                             HAVE A GOOD DAY & SUMMER :)
                                                                 GULSEN XX